Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Why is it great to be a Catholic dad?

If you went to mass this morning, I am sure the Gospel passage struck you as well. Someone asked Jesus: “Lord, will only a few people be saved?” The answer was not what probably an average Catholic would expect it to be. “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.” (Lk 13,22-30) Wow!!! In Jesus' own words many will go to hell.

So, why is it great to be a Catholic dad? Because you have the chance to help someone to get heaven in whose creation you collaborated with God. You have the opportunity to teach your kids how to enter through the narrow gate. In fact, this is not only an opportunity, but much more a duty. It’s so eloquently phrased in the recently issued Youcat: “We are here on earth in order to know and to love God, to do good according to his will, and to go someday to heaven.” (Section 1, Question 1)

Do you see the picture within the picture? We have to help our children to live out this vocation to love God and to follow his will in order to save our souls, which is our very vocation itself. By teaching them this simple but profound truth and helping them to understand this reality we are living out our vocation. A Catholic parent that fails to do this fails to enter the narrow gate. It is mostly done through our example. How hard this is at times, and how easy it is to skip morning or evening prayer in family, or before and after meals. How hard it is to show respect to others even when our blood is boiling; to be selfless and charitable with the family when they don’t let us snuggle up in our cave.

It is only great to be a Catholic dad if I strive to be a great Catholic dad… every day. That’s our challenge gentlemen!

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