The Our Father is a prayer taught to us by Jesus Christ himself. I pray it several times a day. In it every day I say "Adveniat Regnum Tuum", Thy Kingdom Come! It is like waiting for the Messiah and for his kingdom to come every day. Last week we celebrated Christ the King and today we're beginning Advent. What better time to start taking this petition more seriously and to transform my life accordingly? I complain about all the evil that is happening around me, but I can be sure that the real evil is that which is within me and the part of me that Christ has not conquered yet.
Christ can only transform me if I let him do it. This time of Advent only makes sense if it is a time of personal encounter with him and a preparation of our hearts for his coming. By preparing for the reliving of the first coming of Christ I am also preparing for his second coming, when he comes "to judge the living and the dead".
As of today I can start to live my every day as an Advent, and hopefully when Jesus comes again I can say: Thy Kingdom has Come!